Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for feedburner

4 posts tagged “feedburner”


AdSense for Feeds: What’s all the hubbub about PubSubHubbub? “Today we’re happy to announce initial support in FeedBurner for the PubSubHubbub protocol.”

# 24th July 2009, 6:45 pm / feedburner, pubsubhubbub, google, pushbutton, realtimeweb


Obviously, it’s not Obvious. “It was obvious to us that FeedBurner was a very powerful concept around which an ecosystem could flourish. It wasn’t obvious to most other people until they actually saw several examples of people using FeedBurner in powerful ways.”

# 3rd September 2007, 2:09 am / feedburner, obvious, dick-costolo, entrepreneurship

Launch Late to Launch Often. “The bottom line being that you want to invest pre-launch such that you optimize for innovation post-launch.”

# 20th March 2007, 9:50 am / feedburner, dick-costolo

The best reason to always build out APIs for your product is that it makes it easier for the rest of the world to extend your product or service rather than start competitors.

Dick Costolo

# 16th March 2007, 10:41 am / apis, dick-costolo, feedburner