Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for elementtree

4 posts tagged “elementtree”


Using memory-profiler to debug excessive memory usage in healthkit-to-sqlite. This morning I figured out how to use the memory-profiler module (and mprof command line tool) to debug memory usage of Python processes. I added the details, including screenshots, to this GitHub issue. It helped me knock down RAM usage for my healthkit-to-sqlite from 2.5GB to just 80MB by making smarter usage of the ElementTree pull parser.

# 24th July 2019, 8:25 am / memory, xml, profiling, python, elementtree


How to Make a US County Thematic Map Using Free Tools. This is the trick I’ve been using to generate choropleths at the Guardian for the past year: figure out the preferred colours for a set of data in a Python script and then rewrite an SVG file to colour in the areas. I use ElementTree rather than BeautifulSoup but the technique is exactly the same. The best thing about SVG is that our graphics department can export them directly out of Illustrator, with named layers and paths automatically becoming SVG ID attributes. Bonus tip: sometimes you don’t have to rewrite the SVG XML at all, instead you can generate CSS to colour areas by ID selector and inject it in to the top of the file.

# 12th November 2009, 10:49 am / choropleths, mapping, python, infographics, beautifulsoup, elementtree, css, svg

minixsv (via) As far as I can tell, this is the only library that can validate XML using pure Python (no C extension required). I’d be extremely happy if someone would write a pure Python library (or one that only depends on ElementTree, which is included in the standard library) for validating XML against a Relax NG Compact syntax schema. Even DTD validation would be better than nothing!

# 12th August 2009, 4:59 pm / relaxng, elementtree, minixsv, python, validation, xml, xmlschema


Exciting stuff in Python 2.5

Python 2.5 alpha 1 is out, and as usual the What’s New in Python 2.5 document provides a pleasant overview of the new features. There are some real treats in there. While I’m hoping that the syntax for conditional expressions will grow on me, I’m looking forward to Partial function application becoming a common Python idiom. Relative imports are going to make Django applications a lot easier to redistribute, and I can’t wait to see all the crazy hacks that result from the introduction of coroutines.

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