Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for counters

3 posts tagged “counters”


Using Mongo for Real-Time Analytics. MongoDB supports an “upsert” query, which when combined with the $inc operator can cause counter fields to be incremented if they exist and created otherwise. This makes it a great fit for real-time analytics applications (one increment per page view), something that regular relational databases aren’t particularly good at.

# 30th June 2009, 7:28 pm / mongodb, increment, counters, databases, upsert

Rate limiting with memcached

On Monday, several high profile “celebrity” Twitter accounts started spouting nonsense, the victims of stolen passwords. Wired has the full story—someone ran a dictionary attack against a Twitter staff member, discovered their password and used Twitter’s admin tools to reset the passwords on the accounts they wanted to steal.

[... 910 words]


App Engine Fan: Efficient Global Counters. Implementing efficient counters in Google App Engine, using shards and/or memcached.

# 3rd June 2008, 12:56 am / memcached, counters, googleappengine, appengine