8 posts tagged “cloudrun”
Clickhouse on Cloud Run (via) Alex Reid figured out how to run Clickhouse against read-only baked data on Cloud Run last year, and wrote up some comprehensive notes.
The unofficial Google Cloud Run FAQ. This is really useful: a no-fluff, content rich explanation of Google Cloud Run hosted as a GitHub repo that actively accepts pull requests from the community. It’s maintained by Ahmet Alp Balkan, a Cloud Run engineer who states “Googlers: If you find this repo useful, you should recognize the work internally, as I actively fight for alternative forms of content like this”. One of the hardest parts of working with AWS and GCP is digging through the marketing materials to figure out what the product actually does, so the more alternative forms of documentation like this the better.
Advice on specifying more granular permissions with Google Cloud IAM (via) My single biggest frustration working with both Google Cloud and AWS is permissions: more specifically, figuring out what the smallest set of permissions are that I need to assign in order to achieve different goals. Katie McLaughlin’s new series aims to address exactly that problem. I learned a ton from this that I’ve previously missed, and there’s plenty of actionable advice on tooling that can be used to help figure this stuff out.
html-to-svg (via) This is absolutely ingenious: 50 lines of JavaScript which uses Puppeteer to get headless Chrome to grab a PDF screenshot of a page, then shells out to Inkscape to convert the PDF to SVG. Wraps the whole thing up in a Docker container and ships it to Cloud Run as a web service you can call by passing it a URL.
Tracking FARA by deploying a data API using GitHub Actions and Cloud Run
I’m using the combination of GitHub Actions and Google Cloud Run to retrieve data from the U.S. Department of Justice FARA website and deploy it as a queryable API using Datasette.
[... 1,599 words]2019
Cloud Run Button: Click-to-deploy your git repos to Google Cloud (via) Google Cloud Run now has its own version of the Heroku deploy button: you can add a button to a GitHub repository which, when clicked, will provide an interface for deploying your repo to the user’s own Google Cloud account using Cloud Run.
Datasette 0.28—and why master should always be releasable
It’s been quite a while since the last substantial release of Datasette. Datasette 0.27 came out all the way back in January.
[... 1,326 words]Ministry of Silly Runtimes: Vintage Python on Cloud Run (via) Cloud Run is an exciting new hosting service from Google that lets you define a container using a Dockerfile and then run that container in a “scale to zero” environment, so you only pay for time spent serving traffic. It’s similar to the now-deprecated Zeit Now 1.0 which inspired me to create Datasette. Here Dustin Ingram demonstrates how powerful Docker can be as the underlying abstraction by deploying a web app using a 25 year old version of Python 1.x.