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10 posts tagged “api-design”


Jiff (via) Andrew Gallant (aka BurntSushi) implemented regex for Rust and built the fabulous ripgrep, so it's worth paying attention to their new projects.

Jiff is a brand new datetime library for Rust which focuses on "providing high level datetime primitives that are difficult to misuse and have reasonable performance". The API design is heavily inspired by the Temporal proposal for JavaScript.

The core type provided by Jiff is Zoned, best imagine as a 96-bit integer nanosecond time since the Unix each combined with a geographic region timezone and a civil/local calendar date and clock time.

The documentation is comprehensive and a fascinating read if you're interested in API design and timezones.

# 22nd July 2024, 4:48 am / api-design, rust, timezones, andrew-gallant


Designing a write API for Datasette

Building out Datasette Cloud has made one thing clear to me: Datasette needs a write API for ingesting new data into its attached SQLite databases.

[... 1,493 words]


With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody.

Hyrum's Law

# 21st November 2019, 10:45 pm / api-design


With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody.

Hyrum's Law

# 11th August 2018, 12:33 am / api-design, brandur-leach

The way I would talk about myself as a senior engineer is that I’d say “I know how I would solve the problem” and because I know how I would solve it I could also teach someone else to do it. And my theory is that the next level is that I can say about myself “I know how others would solve the problem”. Let’s make that a bit more concrete. You make that sentence: “I can anticipate how the API choices that I’m making, or the abstractions that I’m introducing into a project, how they impact how other people would solve a problem.”

Malte Ubl

# 15th April 2018, 5:23 pm / api-design, careers


Implementing Stripe-like Idempotency Keys in Postgres (via) Having clients send “idempotency keys” with API requests in order to be able to safely retry them if something’s goes wrong is a really neat trick for making transactional APIs more robust. Here Brandur Leach talks implementation strategies.

# 27th October 2017, 5:51 pm / api-design, idempotency, postgresql, brandur-leach, stripe


jQuery 1.4.3 Released. Once again, the thing that impresses me most about this jQuery release is how stable the core API is. Hardly any new methods added, but the existing methods are made faster, more flexible and more predictable. The same as been true for the past several releases as well. It just keeps getting more and more polished.

# 17th October 2010, 12:15 am / api-design, javascript, jquery, recovered


Unimpressed by NodeIterator. John Resig, one of the most talented API designers I’ve ever come across, posts some well earned criticism of the document.createNodeIterator DOM traversal API.

# 19th June 2009, 9:53 pm / javascript, api-design, dom, john-resig, nodeiterator

The Little Manual of API Design (PDF). A concise, highly readable guide to designing APIs that are “Complete, Easy to learn and memorize, lead to readable code, hard to misuse, and easy to extend”, based on lessons learnt over many years of development of the Qt framework.

# 18th May 2009, 10:14 am / api-design, apis, qt, programming


Building a JavaScript Library. Slides from John Resig’s Google Tech Talk. Some great tips in here, including: make your APIs orthogonal, look for common patterns, keep things extensible and write the documentation yourself.

# 24th August 2007, 4:02 pm / john-resig, googletechtalk, slideshare, javascript, jquery, api-design, libraries