Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged sql in 2018

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2018 × sql × Sorted by date

Sqorn (via) JavaScript library for building SQL queries that makes really smart usage of ES6 tagged template literals. The magic of tagged template literals is that they let you intercept and process interpolated values, making them ideally suited to escaping parameters in SQL queries. Sqorn takes that basic ability and layers on some really interesting API design to allow you to further compose queries. # 19th September 2018, 6:34 pm

github/gh-ost: Thoughts on Foreign Keys? The biggest challenge I’ve seen with foreign key constraints at scale (at least with MySQL) is how they conflict with online schema migrations using tools like pt-online-schema-change or GitHub’s gh-ost. This is a good explanation of the issue by Shlomi Noach, one of the gh-ost maintainers. # 19th June 2018, 4:12 pm

System-Versioned Tables in MariaDB (via) Fascinating new feature from the SQL:2011 standard that’s getting its first working implementation in MariaDB 10.3.4. “ALTER TABLE products ADD SYSTEM VERSIONING;” causes the database to store every change made to that table—then you can run “SELECT * FROM products FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF TIMESTAMP @t1;” to query the data as of a specific point in time. I’ve tried all manner of horrible mechanisms for achieving this in the past, having it baked into the database itself would be fantastic. # 25th April 2018, 2:34 pm

How to rewrite your SQL queries in Pandas, and more (via) I still haven’t fully internalized the idioms needed to manipulate DataFrames in pandas. This tutorial helps a great deal—it shows the Pandas equivalents for a host of common SQL queries. # 19th April 2018, 6:34 pm

Use The Index, Luke! Paging Through Results (via) The best explanation of keyset pagination I’ve seen. Keyset pagination is where instead of using OFFSET/LIMIT to return the next page of results you instead track the last seen value in the column you sort by and then return the next X results that follow it. This allows you to paginate to arbitrarily deep offsets within a table, whereas OFFSET/LIMIT requires first iterating across all preceding rows and tends to stop working well after the first few thousand results. # 29th March 2018, 5:30 pm

User-defined Order in SQL (via) This is a fun intellectual exercise: how can one efficiently implement a user-defined order in a SQL table? The obvious initial approach is to have an integer position column, but this means every subsequent row must be updated when an item changes position. Joe “begriffs” Nelson explores some clever alternatives, including floating point or decimal positions (allowing new items to be inserted at a midpoint between existing positions) and a new custom rational number type he buiIt as a PostgreSQL extension. # 21st March 2018, 2:07 pm