Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged javascript, mapping

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tiny-world-map (via) I love this project. It’s a JavaScript file (694K uncompressed, 283KB compressed) which can be used with the Leaflet mapping library and provides a SVG base map of the world with country borders and labels for every world city with a population more than 48,000—10,000 cities total.

This means you can bundle an offline map of the world as part of any application that doesn’t need a higher level of detail. A lot of smaller island nations are missing entirely though, so this may not be right for every project.

It even includes a service worker to help implement offline mapping support, plus several variants of the map with less cities that are even smaller. # 21st April 2024, 10:11 pm

Polymaps. Absurdly classy: “a JavaScript library for image- and vector-tiled maps using SVG”. It can pull in image tiles from sources such as OpenStreetMap, then overlay SVG paths specified using GeoJSON. The demos make use of GeoJSON tiles for US states and counties hosted on AppEngine. The library is developed by Stamen and SimpleGeo, and released under a BSD license. SVG support in the browser is required. # 20th August 2010, 6:46 pm

Mapstraction API Sandbox. Andrew Turner’s new tool for exploring the Mapstraction JavaScript library, which provides a unified code interface to 12 different mapping services # 7th June 2009, 11:41 am

Dopplr place googlemaps, with and without Yahoo Geo API bounding box adjustment. Dopplr uses Geonames for most geo information, but is now mixing in bounding box data from the Yahoo! Geo web service to improve the default zoom level for their maps. The JSON callback API means no server-side code is required on Dopplr’s end. # 17th May 2008, 11:35 pm

Poly9 FreeEarth (via) Seriously sexy embedable 3D Flash globe, with a JavaScript API. # 10th May 2007, 9:17 pm