Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged django, talks

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Weeknotes: DjangoCon, SQLite in Django, datasette-gunicorn

I spent most of this week at DjangoCon in San Diego—my first outside-of-the-Bay-Area conference since the before-times.

[... 1184 words]

djng—a Django powered microframework

djng is nearly two weeks old now, so it’s about time I wrote a bit about the project.

[... 1501 words]

Debugging Django

I gave a talk on Debugging Django applications at Monday’s inaugural meeting of DJUGL, the London Django Users Group. I wanted to talk about something that wasn’t particularly well documented elsewhere, so I pitched the talk as “Bug Driven Development”—what happens when Test Driven Development goes the way of this unfortunate pony.

The slides [... 1759 words]

Advanced Django. Slides from my hour long tutorial at PyCon UK this morning. Most of the material was adapted from OSCON, but I also added a new section covering newforms. # 8th September 2007, 1 pm

Doing Local Right. The slides from my presentation at @media 2007. # 9th June 2007, 7:31 pm