Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged flickr in Apr, 2007

Filters: Year: 2007 × Month: Apr × flickr × Sorted by date

Capacity Planning for LAMP (via) John Allspaw’s MySQL Conf 2007 talk on capacity planning (John is Operations Engineering Manager at Flickr). # 27th April 2007, 8:41 pm

The website to web application gradient. Jeremy snapped this cunning illustration at my JavaScript Libraries panel at the Web 2.0 Expo. # 20th April 2007, 12:30 am

quakr. Uses Flickr machine tags to add tilt/pan/direction information to photos, then displays them in the correct orientation in a 3D Flash viewer. Presented at last night’s Oxford Geek Night. # 12th April 2007, 11:11 am

factoryjoe: Design Patterns. Chris Messina’s collection of user interface design pattern screenshots, collated on Flickr. # 10th April 2007, 11:22 am

mail rail on Flickr (via) Photos of the Royal Mail’s private underground railway, sadly closed in 2003. # 3rd April 2007, 11:02 pm