Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged ai, stanford in Mar, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Mar × ai × stanford × Sorted by date

Train and run Stanford Alpaca on your own machine. The team at Replicate managed to train their own copy of Stanford’s Alpaca—a fine-tuned version of LLaMA that can follow instructions like ChatGPT. Here they provide step-by-step instructions for recreating Alpaca yourself—running the training needs one or more A100s for a few hours, which you can rent through various cloud providers. # 16th March 2023, 4:10 pm

Stanford Alpaca, and the acceleration of on-device large language model development

On Saturday 11th March I wrote about how Large language models are having their Stable Diffusion moment. Today is Monday. Let’s look at what’s happened in the past three days.

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We introduce Alpaca 7B, a model fine-tuned from the LLaMA 7B model on 52K instruction-following demonstrations. Alpaca behaves similarly to OpenAI’s text-davinci-003, while being surprisingly small and easy/cheap to reproduce (<600$).

Alpaca: A Strong Open-Source Instruction-Following Model # 13th March 2023, 6:18 pm