Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged mastodon in Nov, 2022

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2022 × Month: Nov × mastodon × Sorted by date

Weeknotes: Implementing a write API, Mastodon distractions

Everything is so distracting at the moment. The ongoing Twitter catastrophe, the great migration (at least amongst most of the people I pay attention to) to Mastodon, the FTX calamity. It’s been very hard to focus!

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Tracking Mastodon user numbers over time with a bucket of tricks

Mastodon is definitely having a moment. User growth is skyrocketing as more and more people migrate over from Twitter.

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Mastodon is just blogs

And that’s great. It’s also the return of Google Reader!

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It looks like I’m moving to Mastodon

Elon Musk laid off about half of Twitter this morning. There are many terrible stories emerging about how this went down, but one that particularly struck me was that he laid off the entire accessibility team. For me this feels like a microcosm of the whole situation. Twitter’s priorities are no longer even remotely aligned with my own.

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