Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged rust in Jan, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Jan × rust × Sorted by date

sqlite-jsonschema. “A SQLite extension for validating JSON objects with JSON Schema”, building on the jsonschema Rust crate. SQLite and JSON are already a great combination—Alex suggests using this extension to implement check constraints to validate JSON columns before inserting into a table, or just to run queries finding existing data that doesn’t match a given schema. # 28th January 2023, 3:50 am

sqlite-ulid. Alex Garcia’s sqlite-ulid adds lightning-fast SQL functions for generating ULIDs—Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers. These work like UUIDs but are smaller and faster to generate, and can be canonically encoded as a URL-safe 26 character string (UUIDs are 36 characters). Again, this builds on a Rust crate—ulid-rs—and can generate 1 million byte-represented ULIDs with the ulid_bytes() function in just 88.4ms. # 28th January 2023, 3:45 am

sqlite-fastrand. Alex Garcia just dropped three new SQLite extensions, and I’m going to link to all of them. The first is sqlite-fastrand, which adds new functions for generating random numbers (and alphanumeric characters too). Impressively, these out-perform the default SQLite random() and randomblob() functions by about 1.6-2.6x, thanks to being built on the Rust fastrand crate which builds on wyhash, an extremely fast (though not cryptographically secure) hashing function. # 28th January 2023, 3:41 am

datasette-granian (via) Granian is a new Python web server—similar to Gunicorn—written in Rust. I built a small plugin that adds a “datasette granian” command starting a Granian server that serves Datasette’s ASGI application, using the same pattern as my existing datasette-gunicorn plugin. # 20th January 2023, 2:12 am

Servo to Advance in 2023 (via) This is excellent news: Serve, the browser-in-Rust project started by Mozilla in 2012 that produced the Rust programming language, is getting re-activated with four new full-time developers provided by Igalia.

Igalia are a fascinating organization—I hadn’t realized quite how influential they’ve been until I read their Wikipedia page just now

They’ve been around since 2001, and “in 2019 they were the #2 committers to both the WebKit and Chromium codebases and in the top 10 contributors to Gecko/Servo”—including implementing and maintaining CSS Grid Layout! # 16th January 2023, 5:08 pm

Introducing sqlite-xsv: The Fastest CSV Parser for SQLite. Alex Garcia continues to push the boundaries of SQLite extensions. This new extension in Rust wraps the lightning fast Rust csv crate and provides a new csv_reader() virtual table that can handle regular, gzipped and zstd compressed files. # 14th January 2023, 9:54 pm



