Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 21st July 2024

pip install GPT (via) I've been uploading wheel files to ChatGPT in order to install them into Code Interpreter for a while now. Nico Ritschel built a better way: this GPT can download wheels directly from PyPI and then install them.

I didn't think this was possible, since Code Interpreter is blocked from making outbound network requests.

Nico's trick uses a new-to-me feature of GPT Actions: you can return up to ten files from an action call and ChatGPT will download those files to the same disk volume that Code Interpreter can access.

Nico wired up a Val Town endpoint that can divide a PyPI wheel into multiple 9.5MB files (if necessary) to fit the file size limit for files returned to a GPT, then uses prompts to tell ChatGPT to combine the resulting files and treat them as installable wheels.

# 5:54 am / python, generative-ai, code-interpreter, chatgpt, ai, pypi, llms

I have a hard time describing the real value of consumer AI because it’s less some grand thing around AI agents or anything and more AI saving humans a hour of work on some random task, millions of times a day.

Chris Albon

# 3:08 pm / ai, llms, ai-agents

So you think you know box shadows? (via) David Gerrells dives deep into CSS box shadows. How deep? Implementing a full ray tracer with them deep.

# 4:23 pm / css, javascript