Simon Willison’s Weblog


Saturday, 12th February 2022

jless (via) A really nice new command-line JSON viewer, written in Rust, created by Paul Julius Martinez. It provides a terminal interface for navigating through large JSON files, including expanding and contracting nested objects and searching for strings or a modified form of regular expressions.

# 3:17 am / json, rust

Running C unit tests with pytest (via) Brilliant, detailed tutorial by Gabriele Tornetta on testing C code using pytest, which also doubles up as a ctypes tutorial. There’s a lot of depth here—in addition to exercising C code through ctypes, Gabriele shows how to run each test in a separate process so that segmentation faults don’t fail the entire suite, then adds code to run the compiler as part of the pytest run, and then shows how to use gdb trickery to generate more useful stack traces.

# 5:14 pm / c, ctypes, pytest

2022 » February
