Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 24th January 2010

The Seven Deadly Sins of Solr. Useful advice on managing and deploying Solr.

# 1:30 pm / solr, lucidimagination, search

Don’t Hash Secrets. A well written explanation from 2008 of why you must use hmac instead of raw SHA-1 when hashing against a secret.

# 1:30 pm / hmac, signing, sha1, cryptography, security

Amazon S3: Versioning Proposal. The us-west-1 S3 bucket region now optionally supports versioning—once enabled on a bucket, all previous versions of keys will be preserved.

# 1:38 pm / s3, versioning, amazonaws, amazon, storage

A suggestion for a business. Sooner or later, some hosting company is going to figure out that it can provide a service and make a killing (as it were) by offering ten-, twenty-, and hundred-year packets of posthumous hosting. A hundred years is not eternity, but you are not Shakespeare, and it’s a start.

Jeffrey Zeldman

# 1:40 pm / hosting, death, jeffrey-zeldman

Linux performance basics. This kind of Linux knowledge is rapidly becoming a key skill for server-side web development.

# 1:50 pm / linux, ops, sysadmin, jonathan-ellis, performance

2010 » January
