Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 23rd December 2009

PostgreSQL 8.5alpha3 now available. “Hot Standby, allowing read-only connections during recovery, provides a built-in master-slave replication solution.” Woohoo!

# 9:57 am / postgresql, scaling, replication, hotstandby, masterslave

The Dangers of Clickjacking with Facebook. theharmonyguy compiled a list of actions that can be triggered on Facebook by a single click, and hence are vulnerable to clickjacking attacks. The list includes authorising malicious applications, posting links to profiles, sending friend requests and sending messages to other users. Why don’t Facebook include frame busting JavaScript on every page?

# 10:20 am / facebook, clickjacking, security, phishing, framebusting, theharmonyguy

Orderly JSON. Essentially the JSON equivalent of RelaxNG’s compact syntax—a pleasant mini-language for describing JSON objects which compiles to the more verbose JSONSchema format.

# 2:44 pm / json, jsonschema, relaxng, orderly, javascript

2009 » December
