Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 14th November 2007

Django Book Update. It’s done! Went to the printer on Friday, due in bookstores in the second week of December (just in time for Christmas). Congrats to Adrian and Jacob.

# 12:59 am / django-book, django, python, adrian-holovaty, jacob-kaplan-moss

Django Changeset 6671. Malcolm Tredinnick: “Implemented auto-escaping of variable output in templates”. Fantastic—Django now has protection against accidental XSS holes, turned on by default.

# 5:05 pm / malcolm-tredinnick, django, autoescaping, xss, security, python, templating

google-axsjax (via) “The AxsJAX framework can inject accessibility enhancements into existing Web 2.0 applications using any of several standard Web techniques”—including bookmarklets and Greasemonkey. The enhancements conform to W3C ARIA, supported by Firefox 2.0 and later.

# 5:18 pm / firefox, aria, w3c, accessibility, ajax, javascript, axsjax, google, greasemonkey, bookmarklets

2007 » November
