Simon Willison’s Weblog


February 2006

Feb. 1, 2006

Unicode tutorial in Spanish. I don’t speak the language but it looks great from the diagrams.

# 12:02 am

Feb. 2, 2006

MSN UK in IE7 beta. Definitely needs some work.

# 12:12 pm

Feb. 6, 2006

XULRunner Release Notes (via) First stable developer release—create cross-platform apps with XUL.

# 12:38 am

Feb. 8, 2006

Notes from the summit

I’m at the Carson Workshops Future of Web Apps Summit today. It’s been a great set of talks, and some frantic SubEthaEdit action to capture the salient points. Here are the notes I’ve gathered over the course of the day (with help from various contributors; credits at the bottom of each file).

Feb. 13, 2006

Subversion tips: working with branches. Django gets a mention for best practices.

# 3:20 pm / subversion, branching, django

Feb. 14, 2006

Yahoo! User Interface Blog. One of three exciting new Yahoo! things today.

# 1:11 am

Yahoo! Design Pattern Library. Common UI design patterns for web applications.

# 1:12 am

Yahoo! UI Library. Open Source JavaScript widgets and libraries.

# 1:12 am / yui, yahoo, open-source, javascript

Yahoo! UI JavaScript treats

The Yahoo! Developer Network was updated yesterday with a veritable gold-mine of Exciting New Stuff, coinciding with the launch of the brand new Yahoo! User Interface Blog.

[... 576 words]

hacks/flickr-licens0r.html. The Yahoo! Animation library in action.

# 2:43 pm

Feb. 15, 2006

What are some good software development/open source blogs? is an endlessly entertaining guide to how not to develop software.

[... 28 words]

Feb. 16, 2006

Patching Windows XP from burned CDs?

antifuse: that’s perfect, thanks. Unfortunately slipstreaming isn’t really an option—or at least I’d rather avoid it (I’d have to take her laptop home with me and return it another time).

[... 66 words]

flickr Calendar. Really nice demo of extending the Y! Calendar class.

# 12:44 pm

Wikipedia citation feature. I don’t know when they added this but it’s really nicely done.

# 6:53 pm

Feb. 17, 2006

Videos: France Gall, Django Reinhardt and Elis Regina. Video of Django Reinhardt, after whom the Web framework is named.

# 11:50 am

Feb. 18, 2006

Developing a JavaScript Library for Yahoo! Design principles behind the recently released code.

# 1:40 pm

Creators, Synthesizers, and Consumers. Bradley Horowitz (my boss) starts his blog with a bang.

# 9:06 pm

Feb. 21, 2006

UTF-8 to Code Point Array Converter in PHP (via) A useful thing to have around.

# 1:11 am

A pro-PHP Rant. Harry Fuecks pulls one off in style.

# 9:48 pm

Pattern Template View (via) Really nice overview of the different styles of template language.

# 9:53 pm

Feb. 22, 2006

Painless JavaScript Using Prototype. The missing manual, by Dan Webb.

# 8:53 am

JavaScript slideshow fun. Nat’s built a slideshow with permalinks for images.

# 11:08 am

Comic Sans—Wikipedia. The Comic Sans euro symbol has a little face.

# 11:54 am

Feb. 26, 2006

Django Templates: The Power of Inheritance. Really good overview of one of my favourite Django features.

# 5:58 am

Campfire Bot. Campfire + Greasemonkey = Bot. How long until there’s a Google Talk one of these?

# 6:18 am / greasemonkey

2006 » February
