Simon Willison’s Weblog


September 2003

Sept. 20, 2003

The pirate’s code

So, now that “talk like a pirate” day has sadly come to an end, it’s time to reveal the five minute code hack that rendered my front page semi-legible for the best part of a day. It was actually pretty simple:

[... 260 words]

Auto-complete text boxes

There’s a great new article up on Sitepoint describing a technique for adding auto-complete functionality to normal HTML text input fields using Javascript. The code uses a whole bunch of browser-specific code, but it has to thanks to the unconsistent ways in which different browsers handle text selection ranges. Unfortunately the article doesn’t actually provide a demo of the code in action, so I’ve posted one here. It’s a very nice effect.

“Interactive Tabular Data”

Just spotted in a comment by Drew McLellan on Russell Beattie’s Notebook:

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Sept. 30, 2003

Battling comment spam

It’s a sad state of affairs when you come back to your blog after a week elsewhere and have to add another 56 domains to your blacklist. I’m actually getting more comment spam than legitimate comments now—this is becoming more than just a minor nuisance. I’m considering a number of improvements, including adding a moderation queue to comments on entries posted more than a month ago, disabling the comment form if the referral is a search engine (as per Russell Beattie’s suggestion) and adding some kind of wildcard support to the blacklist file.

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2003 » September