Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 8th August 2002

Yup this site is for real are a small company based in London that aim to bring you an Adventure in Eating from around the World!. Which means scorpion lollipops, milk chocolate covered ants and pickled rattlesnakes in a tin (a bargain at £16.50). I’m actually quite tempted to grab some Toffee Scorpions, if only to terrorise my friends at university...

Mike Pletch to Column Two

I spotted Mike Pletch in my referrals this morning. His blog has a clean, readable design and some great content, particularly if you are interested in information architecture and content management. Via Mike I revisited Column Two which is currently documenting an implementation of a full content management system for a client—well worth a read.

Offline until Sunday

I’ll probably be offline until Sunday. Have a nice weekend :)

2002 » August
