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11 posts tagged “xtech”


Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery. The online handout for the tutorial I gave this morning at XTech.

# 6th May 2008, 6:53 pm / jquery, javascript, handout, xtech, xtech08, unobtrusive-javascript


Call for Participation for XTech 2008. XTech 2008 will be in Dublin, Ireland from the 6th to the 9th of May. Lots of really interesting topics in the CfP (OpenID, OAuth, Comet, CouchDB...)—deadline for submissions is the 25th of January.

# 5th December 2007, 3:28 pm / xtech, conferences, cfp, openid, oauth, comet, couchdb

Launching Expectnation. Edd’s conference organisation software. I was a reviewer for XTech and the process was completely painless.

# 1st June 2007, 8:55 pm / edddumbill, expectnation, xtech, conferences

The Implications of OpenID

My second presentation at XTech 2007. Unfortunately there’s just the Matt Webb keynote to go, and I spent most of the conference worrying about my talks. There’s a lot to be said for speaking as early as possible.

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JavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture

I just gave my first talk at XTech 2007 (I’m speaking again on Friday, on OpenID). Slides are on

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XTech 2007 Registration. Deadline for online registrations is 2nd May. It looks like it’ll be a really good conference this year (disclaimer: I’m speaking).

# 27th April 2007, 4:05 pm / xtech, speaking, xtech2007

OpenID and microformats support on XTech site. “A single-sign on solution like OpenID solves an important problem for us, as most people tend to interact with our conference web sites in only one or two time periods each year.”

# 27th February 2007, 12:46 pm / xtech, openid, microformats

XTech 2007 schedule: behind the scenes. Expectnation looks like a smart piece of software for conference organisers. There’s surprisingly little crossover with Event Wax—it looks like the two could complement each other nicely.

# 23rd February 2007, 11:25 pm / conferences, eventorganisation, xtech, xtech2007, expectnation, eventwax, edddumbill


Notes from my Yahoo! UI Library talk

I gave my talk on the Yahoo! User Interface Library here at XTech on Tuesday. There’s so much great stuff in the library that cramming it all in to 45 minutes proved impossible, so I ended up focusing on the utilities (dom, event, connection, animation and dragdrop) and providing an overview of the controls at the end.

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Speaking gigs

I’ve been doing a fair amount of public speaking recently, based on the principle that the only way to get good at it is to get a lot of practise. My last two talks were a session on Django and Web Application Frameworks at the ACCU 2006 conference and a talk on the Yahoo! Developer Network for NMK’s Beers and Innovation series.

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