Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for sqlalchemy

6 posts tagged “sqlalchemy”


otterwiki (via) It's been a while since I've seen a new-ish Wiki implementation, and this one by Ralph Thesen is really nice. It's written in Python (Flask + SQLAlchemy + mistune for Markdown + GitPython) and keeps all of the actual wiki content as Markdown files in a local Git repository.

The installation instructions are a little in-depth as they assume a production installation with Docker or systemd - I figured out this recipe for trying it locally using uv:

git clone
cd otterwiki

mkdir -p app-data/repository
git init app-data/repository

echo "REPOSITORY='${PWD}/app-data/repository'" >> settings.cfg
echo "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='sqlite:///${PWD}/app-data/db.sqlite'" >> settings.cfg
echo "SECRET_KEY='$(echo $RANDOM | md5sum | head -c 16)'" >> settings.cfg

export OTTERWIKI_SETTINGS=$PWD/settings.cfg
uv run --with gunicorn gunicorn --bind otterwiki.server:app

# 9th October 2024, 3:22 pm / python, wikis, uv, markdown, git, flask, sqlalchemy, sqlite


SQLModel. A new project by FastAPI creator Sebastián Ramírez: SQLModel builds on top of both SQLAlchemy and Sebastián’s Pydantic validation library to provide a new ORM that’s designed around Python 3’s optional typing. The real brilliance here is that a SQLModel subclass is simultaneously a valid SQLAlchemy ORM model AND a valid Pydantic validation model, saving on duplicate code by allowing the same class to be used both for form/API validation and for interacting with the database.

# 24th August 2021, 11:16 pm / orm, sql, sqlalchemy, python, pydantic


Does SQLAlchemy depend on MySQLdb?

No. SQLAlchemy can talk to all sorts of different DB-API compliant backends, including MySQL Connector/J (Jython only), MySQL Connector/Python, mysql-python (the MySQLdb module) and OurSQL—plus backends for many other databases. See the full list here:

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tranquil. Inspired take on the Django ORM to SQLAlchemy problem: lets you define your models with the Django ORM but use SQLAlchemy to run queries against them.

# 9th October 2007, 2:30 am / sqlalchemy, python, django, orm, djangoorm, models, tranquil

Say Hello to Elixir for SQLAlchemy. New ActiveRecord style layer over SQLAlchemy; a collaboration that includes the authors of ActiveMapper and TurboEntity.

# 12th February 2007, 10:28 pm / sqlalchemy, python, elixir

Pickles Begone. Barry Warsaw’s notes on adding SQLAlchemy persistence to Mailman.

# 23rd January 2007, 1:43 pm / mailman, sqlalchemy, python, barry-warsaw