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4 posts tagged “south”


On Django And Migrations. South author Andrew Godwin on the plans for migrations in Django. His excellent South migration library will be split in to two parts—one handling database abstraction, dependency resolution and history tracking and the other providing autodetection and the South user interface. The former will go in to Django proper, encouraging other migration libraries to share the same core abstractions.

# 2nd June 2010, 4:27 pm / andrew-godwin, django, migrations, orm, south, recovered


South’s Design. Andrew Godwin explains why South resorts to parsing your file in order to construct information about for creating automatic migrations.

# 13th May 2009, 12:30 pm / andrew-godwin, south, python, django, orm, parsing, models

Southerly Breezes. Andrew Godwin is slowly assimilating the best ideas from other Django migration systems in to South—the latest additions include ORM Freezing from Migratory and automatic change detection. Exciting stuff.

# 15th March 2009, 1:17 pm / andrew-godwin, django, south, migrations, orm, databases


South. A brand new light-weight Django migrations tool from Andrew Godwin. On first glance, this is spookily similar to the system we’ve been putting together at GCap.

# 8th August 2008, 11:42 am / gcap, django, andrew-godwin, migrations, south