4 posts tagged “screencast”
gifcap (via) This is really neat: a purely client-side implementation of animated gif screen capture, using navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia for the screen capturing, mithril for the UI and the gif.js pure JavaScript GIF encoding library to render the output.
digg: Screencast: How to use OpenID. No exclamation mark this time—let’s see if it makes a difference.
OpenID screencast
OpenID’s biggest problem is its learning curve. Using it as actually really simple, but if you’re not technical the amount of stuff you have to know before you can understand it is enormous. If you are technical, it just doesn’t seem like it should work—there are a bunch of questions that come up every time OpenID is discussed anywhere (“but surely there’s nothing to stop someone else from spoofing your ID”) which OpenID has answers for, but which are easily misunderstood.
[... 383 words]Introduction to Subversion Screencast. If you aren’t using source control yet, here’s your chance to catch up.