4 posts tagged “netscape”
Brendan Eich: Popularity. I never knew that Brendan went to Netscape on the promise of “doing Scheme in the browser”.
Happy Run Some Old Web Browsers Day! jwz has recreated home.mcom.com, the original home of the Mosaic Communications Corporation, using a snapshot from 21st October 1994 and a domain borrowed from current owner AOL. Also includes instructions on running 1994 Mosaic Netscape binaries under a modern Linux distro.
Client Side Load Balancing for Web 2.0 Applications (via) I recall that early versions of Netscape picked a random server from a hard-coded list each time a user clicked the “What’s New” button, back before server-side scaling techniques were well understood.
Interactive Python
I adore the Python interactive interpreter. I use it for development (it’s amazing how many bugs you can skip by testing your code line by line in the interactive environment), I use it for calculations, but recently I’ve also found myself using it just as a general tool for answering questions.
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