Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for michael-trier

4 posts tagged “michael-trier”


This Week in Django podcast. Michael Trier’s been doing a really fantastic job putting together a Django podcast. The most recent episode (number 4) includes an update on the newforms-admin branch and a couple of handy tips.

# 1st January 2008, 10:44 am / django, michael-trier, thisweekindjango, python, podcasts, django-admin


Using Unipath to Keep Things Portable. Django tip to avoid hard-coding full paths. I usually set a global called OUR_ROOT in using os.path.dirname(__file__) and use os.path.join with it to construct any other paths that I need.

# 21st December 2007, 10:45 am / django, python, unipath, michael-trier, settings

Blogmaker, a free blogging app for Django (via) “Blogmaker is a full-featured, production-quality blogging application for Django. It supports trackbacks, ping and comments with moderation and honeypot spam prevention.”

# 7th December 2007, 1:04 am / blogging, django, michael-trier, trackback

Finding Lookup Items that Are Not Used. How to do left outer joins (and other custom SQL) using the Django ORM.

# 13th August 2007, 5:08 pm / django, orm, sql, michael-trier, python