Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for messaging

7 posts tagged “messaging”


When you’re pump­ing mes­sages around the In­ter­net be­tween het­ero­ge­neous code­bas­es built by peo­ple who don’t know each oth­er, shit is gonna hap­pen. That’s the whole ba­sis of the We­b: You can safe­ly ig­nore an HTTP head­er or HTML tag you don’t un­der­stand, and noth­ing break­s. It’s great be­cause it al­lows peo­ple to just try stuff out, and the use­ful stuff catch­es on while the bad ideas don’t break any­thing.

Tim Bray

# 1st September 2018, 1:41 am / web, tim-bray, messaging


ZeroMQ: Modern and Fast Networking Stack. I get ZeroMQ now. I was having trouble figuring out how it differed from things like RabbitMQ—it turns out it’s an entirely new low-level socket abstraction, designed to make common socket programming tasks like message sending/receiving and publish/subscribe a whole lot easier than dealing with raw BSD sockets.

# 5th September 2010, 7:41 pm / io, messaging, networking, sockets, zeromq, recovered


simple-thrift-queue (via) Phillip Pearson’s surprisingly concise in-memory message queue written in Python using Facebook’s Thrift library (which is similar to Protocol Buffers, but was open sourced much earlier on). Handles 4,000 requests per second on a laptop.

# 4th August 2008, 12:27 pm / messaging, phillip-pearson, python, facebook, thrift, protocolbuffers, message-queues

ZeroMQ. Open source message queue optimised for performance: claims 25μsec latency and 2.6 million messages per second.

# 27th July 2008, 4:57 pm / messaging, zeromq, performance, message-queues

RubyForge: Starling. “Starling is a light-weight persistent queue server that speaks the MemCache protocol. It was built to drive Twitter’s backend, and is in production across Twitter’s cluster.”

# 11th January 2008, 9:47 pm / memcached, twitter, ruby, messaging, queue, starling, blaine-cook, rubyforge, message-queues


stompserver. I think this is the lightweight message queue I’ve been looking for: written in Ruby and EventMachine, easy to set up (thanks to gems), interoperates perfectly with

# 14th December 2007, 4:40 pm / python, ruby, stomp, messaging, message-queues, eventmachine, lightweight, gems A Python client library for accessing ActiveMQ using the STOMP protocol. Pleasantly simple API for both sending and accepting messages.

# 1st August 2007, 1:50 pm / python, activemq, messaging, stomp