Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for matt-croydon

3 posts tagged “matt-croydon”

2008 Kansas Democratic Presidential Caucuses (via) The most beautiful election results page I’ve ever seen. Love the typography and the Google Charts integration.

# 8th February 2008, 11:17 am / matt-croydon, design, elections, kansas, ljworld, google-charts, typography

Google apps for your newsroom. How the LJ World team use online tools like Google Spreadsheet, Swivel, ManyEyes and Google MyMaps to collaborate with the newsroom and build data-heavy applications even faster.

# 7th January 2008, 9:24 pm / news, journalism, ljworld, django, manyeyes, google, mymaps, google-maps, google-calendar, google-docs, newsroom, collaboration, matt-croydon, data-journalism