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7 posts tagged “janrain”


MyOpenID adds Information Card Support. First client SSL certificates, now Information Cards. MyOpenID is certainly taking browser-based phishing solutions seriously.

# 18th October 2007, 9:10 pm / myopenid, janrain, openid, phishing, security, informationcards

Pibb Sign in page. Nice demonstration of an easier OpenID sign in page—lets you sign in with an AIM screenname or LiveJournal username instead (which uses OpenID under the hood).

# 14th July 2007, 9:09 pm / openid, livejournal, aim, aol, pibb, janrain

MyOpenID relaunches. Now with a handsome redesign and support for SSL client certificates as a secure alternative to passwords.

# 17th April 2007, 3:40 pm / ssl, myopenid, openid, janrain

ANN: PHP OpenID 1.2.2 released. Includes a fix to a bug that was causing some consumers to be incompatible with the OpenID provider. If you’re using this in a PHP OpenID consumer you should upgrade now.

# 23rd March 2007, 8:33 pm / php, openid, janrain

Announcing Jyte. “Jyte is a simple service that allows you to associate claims, credibility and contacts to build a reputation with your OpenID”. The OpenID landscape is wide open for innovation like this.

# 31st January 2007, 6:04 pm / openid, jyte, scott-kveton, janrain

OpenID Enabled: OpenID Tests. Useful for checking if your OpenID consumer or server are working OK.

# 27th January 2007, 10:34 am / openid, janrain

2006 (via) Neat concept: a third party service for ensuring that an OpenID has passed a CAPTCHA.

# 19th December 2006, 6:01 pm / captcha, openid, janrain