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Atom feed for fredrik-lundh

7 posts tagged “fredrik-lundh”


(It's probably just me, but every time I stumble upon some thread involving people from the so-called "security community", it's like watching a Jerry Springer episode.)

Fredrik Lundh

# 23rd July 2008, 9:28 am / security, jerryspringer, fredrik-lundh

Simple Top-Down Parsing in Python. Eye-opening tutorial on building a recursive descent parser for Python, in Python that uses top-down operator precedence.

# 19th July 2008, 11:37 pm / python, effbot, fredrik-lundh, parsing, compilers, recursivedescent


Some Notes on Tim Bray’s Wide Finder Benchmark. Fredrik Lundh demonstrates some Python ninja techniques for parsing log files using multiple cores (and eventually memory mapping).

# 7th October 2007, 1:06 am / mmap, python, fredrik-lundh, effbot, tim-bray, multicore, benchmarks

A Django Cache Status. Django view to display stats pulled from your memcached server.

# 25th August 2007, 2:08 pm / memcached, django, fredrik-lundh

Inline images are stored as data URI:s in the intermediate format (and usually also in the source documents), but since not all browsers support this format, the renderer replaces the data URI:s with HTTP pointers to an image cache directory.

Fredrik Lundh

# 7th August 2007, 10:52 am / django, datauri, http, fredrik-lundh

Thread Synchronization Mechanisms in Python. Locks, RLocks, Semaphores, Events and Conditions as explained by Fredrik Lundh.

# 29th July 2007, 9:32 pm / fredrik-lundh, effbot, locks, rlocks, threading, semaphores, events, conditions, tutorial, python


Python and micropayments

Fredrik Lundh has started posting his book The Standard Python Library online, in response to O’Reilly’s decision not to publish a second edition of the book. I’d never read it before, but having sampled the first two chapters I’m hooked. It works a bit like a “cookbook”, with a plethora of code samples explained in detail accompanied by tips and tricks relating to the language. The Lazy Import class, which loads a module only when an attribute of the module is called for the first time, is a classic example:

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