8 posts tagged “favicon”
fav.farm (via) Neat little site by Wes Bos: it serves SVG (or PNG for Safari) favicons of every Emoji, which can be added to any site like this:
<link rel="icon" href="https://fav.farm/🔥" />
The source code is on GitHub. It runs on Deno and Deno Deploy, and recently added per-Emoji hit counters powered by the Deno KV store, implemented in db.ts using this pattern:
export function incrementCount(emoji: string) {
const VIEW_KEY = [`favicon`, `${emoji}`];
return db.atomic().sum(
).commit(); // Increment KV by 1
How to Add a Favicon to Your Django Site
Adam Johnson did the research on the best way to handle favicons - Safari still doesn't handle SVG icons so the best solution today is a PNG served from the /favicon.ico
path. This article inspired me to finally add a proper favicon to Datasette.
Dynamically changing favicons with JavaScript. I just spotted GitHub using this trick to swap out the favicon on a pull request that hadn’t passed its tests yet for github.com/favicon-failure.ico with a little cross icon in the corner.
Muck Rack: Links posted by Guardian Journalists on Twitter. I’m rather impressed by the Sawhorse Media collection of Twitter aggregation sites (Muck Rack aggregates journalists)—a simple idea very well executed. Here’s a nice example—this page shows links posted to Twitter by known Guardian journalists, but goes a step further and scrapes in the favicon, the real title of the page and resolves the domain from any shortened links.
favikon.com. Small, easy to use online favicon generator.
Google’s undocumented favicon to png convertor (via) Showing the favicon of a domain next to a link is a really nice trick, but it’s slightly tricky to achieve as IE won’t display a .ico file if you link to it from an img element, so you need to convert the images server-side. This undocumented Google API does that for you, meaning it’s much easier to add favicons as a feature to your site.
In rainbows. Dopplr generates a unique colour for each city using an MD5 hash. The colours are then used in subtle but intelligent ways throughout the design—right down to the favicon.