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4 posts tagged “fastly”


PSF announces a new five year commitment from Fastly. Fastly have been donating CDN resources to Python—most notably to the PyPI package index—for ten years now.

The PSF just announced at PyCon US that Fastly have agreed to a new five year commitment. This is a really big deal, because it addresses the strategic risk of having a key sponsor like this who might change their support policy based on unexpected future conditions.

Thanks, Fastly. Very much appreciated!

# 17th May 2024, 1:52 pm / psf, pypi, python, fastly


Fastly Compute@Edge JS Runtime (via) Fastly’s JavaScript runtime, designed to run at the edge of their CDN, uses the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine compiled to WebAssembly.

# 20th September 2022, 10:20 pm / spidermonkey, mozilla, webassembly, javascript, fastly


Powering the Python Package Index in 2021. PyPI now serves “nearly 900 terabytes over more than 2 billion requests per day”. Bandwidth is donated by Fastly, a value estimated at 1.8 million dollars per month! Lots more detail about how PyPI has evolved over the past years in this post by Dustin Ingram.

# 14th May 2021, 4:50 am / pypi, python, fastly, dustin-ingram


Terrarium by Fastly Labs. Fastly have been investing heavily in WebAssembly, which makes sense as it provides an excellent option for a sandboxed environment for executing server-side code at the edge of their CDN offering. Terrarium is their “playground for experimenting with edge-side WebAssembly”—it lets you write a program in Rust, C, TypeScript or Wat (WebAssembly text format), compile it to WebAssembly and deploy it to a URL with a single button-click. It’s just a demo for the moment so deployments only persist for 15 minutes, but it’s a fascinating sandbox to play around with.

# 21st May 2019, 8:51 pm / rust, webassembly, fastly