Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for europython

4 posts tagged “europython”


MongoDB. Lots of discussions about this at EuroPython today—it’s a document database, very similar to CouchDB but significantly faster and suggested for production use. Best of all, trying it out on OS X is as easy as extracting the tarball and running “bin/mongod --dbpath /tmp/test-mongo-db run”.

# 30th June 2009, 7:13 pm / couchdb, europython, mongodb, nonrelationaldatabase, keyvaluestore, documentstore, json, osx


Partial OpenID provider implementation from It’ll take a while to package up provider support for django-openid, but in the meantime here’s some partial, incomplete, poorly documented example code ripped from Hopefully this will give people trying to figure out the JanRain Python library a bit of a leg up.

# 12th July 2007, 6:48 pm / idproxy, openid, django, python, partial, europython, europython07

gSculpt. Powerful open source modelling software, written in Python and demonstrated (to much applause) as the last lightning talk of EuroPython 2007.

# 11th July 2007, 11:48 pm / python, 3d, modelling, open-source, europython, europython2007, gsculpt

How to travel by train from London to Vilnius. Nat and I are thinking about doing this for EuroPython. Could be a bit of an adventure.

# 16th June 2007, 1:34 am / adventure, europython, train, london, vilnius