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7 posts tagged “elliotte-rusty-harold”


A couple of years ago when I was working on a now defunct search engine, we were using ActiveMQ to pass messages between the frontend and the backend. The system was unreliable, flaky, and hard to debug. It delivered exactly none of the reliability queues promised. [...] More likely there's something wrong with the whole design of network systems based on message queues, and we need to start developing alternatives.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

# 5th February 2009, 10:53 pm / message-queues, activemq, elliotte-rusty-harold

The compiler only pays attention to the semicolons and braces while ignoring the line breaks and indentation, but humans usually only pay attention to the line breaks and indentation while ignoring the semicolons and braces. This gives the code the opportunity to lie about what it’s really doing. Consequently we need to take extra care when writing in C, Java, C++, C# etc.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

# 2nd January 2009, 10:26 am / c, codestyle, elliotte-rusty-harold, indentation, java, syntax


Elliotte Rusty Harold: Why XHTML. “XHTML makes life harder for document authors in exchange for making life easier for document consumers.”—since there are a lot more document authors than there are tools for consuming, this seems like an argument AGAINST XHTML to me.

# 5th June 2008, 9:25 pm / elliotte-rusty-harold, xhtml, html, html5, web-standards


Happy 30th Birthday Internet! “Exactly 30 years ago today on November 22, 1977 the first three networks were connected to become the Internet.”

# 22nd November 2007, 3:25 pm / birthday, internet, elliotte-rusty-harold

WS-* is North Korea and REST is South Korea. While REST will go on to become an economic powerhouse with steadily increasing standards of living for all its citizens, WS-* is doomed to sixty years of starvation, poverty, tyranny, and defections until it eventually collapses from its own fundamental inadequacies and is absorbed into the more sensible policies of its neighbor to the South.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

# 7th July 2007, 9:40 am / rest, web-services, ws-star, korea, northkorea, southkorea, elliotte-rusty-harold


Why Tim Berners-Lee is Wrong. Elliotte thinks XHTML is not the problem. I’m not convinced.

# 30th October 2006, 5:54 pm / tim-berners-lee, elliotte-rusty-harold, xhtml