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3 posts tagged “editor”


Monaco Editor. VS Code is MIT licensed and built on top of Electron. I thought “huh, I wonder if I could run the editor component embedded in a web app”—and it turns out Microsoft have already extracted out the code editor component into an open source JavaScript package called Monaco. Looks very slick, though sadly it’s not supported in mobile browsers.

# 21st May 2019, 8:47 pm / editor, open-source, microsoft, javascript, electron, vs-code


The Xi Text Engine CRDT (via) Xi is “a modern editor with a backend written in Rust”—an open-source text editor project from Google built on some very interesting computer science (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types). It’s a native editor with server-backed synchronization as a first-class concept.

# 13th October 2017, 10:32 pm / editor, google, crdt, rust


EditArea. Impressive JavaScript source code editor, with syntax highlighting, brace matching, search and replace and more.

# 1st January 2008, 12:09 pm / javascript, editarea, syntaxhighlighting, bracematching, editor