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7 posts tagged “charity-majors”


(Blaming something on “politics” is usually a way of accidentally confessing that you don’t actually understand the constraints someone is operating under, IMO.)

Charity Majors

# 14th June 2024, 8:30 pm / charity-majors, management

Generative AI Is Not Going To Build Your Engineering Team For You (via) This barnstormer of an essay is a long read by Charity Majors, and I find myself wanting to quote almost every paragraph.

It thoroughly and passionately debunks the idea that generative AI means that teams no longer need to hire junior programmers.

This is for several key reasons. First is the familiar pipeline argument - we need juniors in order to grow new intermediate and senior engineers:

Software is an apprenticeship industry. You can’t learn to be a software engineer by reading books. You can only learn by doing…and doing, and doing, and doing some more. No matter what your education consists of, most learning happens on the job—period. And it never ends! Learning and teaching are lifelong practices; they have to be, the industry changes so fast.

It takes a solid seven-plus years to forge a competent software engineer. (Or as most job ladders would call it, a “senior software engineer”.) That’s many years of writing, reviewing, and deploying code every day, on a team alongside more experienced engineers. That’s just how long it seems to take.

What does it mean to be a senior engineer? It’s a lot more than just writing code:

To me, being a senior engineer is not primarily a function of your ability to write code. It has far more to do with your ability to understand, maintain, explain, and manage a large body of software in production over time, as well as the ability to translate business needs into technical implementation. So much of the work is around crafting and curating these large, complex sociotechnical systems, and code is just one representation of these systems.


People act like writing code is the hard part of software. It is not. It never has been, it never will be. Writing code is the easiest part of software engineering, and it’s getting easier by the day. The hard parts are what you do with that code—operating it, understanding it, extending it, and governing it over its entire lifecycle.

But I find the most convincing arguments are the ones about team structure itself:

Hiring engineers is about composing teams. The smallest unit of software ownership is not the individual, it’s the team


Have you ever been on a team packed exclusively with staff or principal engineers? It is not fun. That is not a high-functioning team. There is only so much high-level architecture and planning work to go around, there are only so many big decisions that need to be made. These engineers spend most of their time doing work that feels boring and repetitive, so they tend to over-engineer solutions and/or cut corners—sometimes at the same time. They compete for the “fun” stuff and find reasons to pick technical fights with each other. They chronically under-document and under-invest in the work that makes systems simple and tractable.


The best teams are ones where no one is bored, because every single person is working on something that challenges them and pushes their boundaries. The only way you can get this is by having a range of skill levels on the team.

Charity finishes with advice on hiring juniors, including ensuring that your organization is in the right shape to do so effectively.

The only thing worse than never hiring any junior engineers is hiring them into an awful experience where they can’t learn anything.

Seriously though, read the whole thing. It contains such a density of accumulated engineering management wisdom.

# 12th June 2024, 3:11 pm / charity-majors, management, generative-ai, ai, llms

Migrations are not something you can do rarely, or put off, or avoid; not if you are a growing company. Migrations are an ordinary fact of life.

Doing them swiftly, efficiently, and -- most of all -- completely is one of the most critical skills you can develop as a team.

Charity Majors

# 6th May 2024, 1:52 pm / migrations, charity-majors


Instead of seeing instrumentation as a last-ditch effort of strings and metrics, we must think about propagating the full context of a request and emitting it at regular pulses. No pull request should ever be accepted unless the engineer can answer the question, “How will I know if this breaks?”

Charity Majors

# 19th July 2020, 4:05 pm / observability, charity-majors


Operations engineering does not consist of firefighting your shitty software, it is the science of delivering value to users.

Charity Majors

# 14th February 2019, 1:12 am / ops, charity-majors


Software Sprawl, The Golden Path, and Scaling Teams With Agency (via) This is smart: the “golden path” approach to encouraging a standard stack within a large engineering organization. If you build using the components on the golden path you get guaranteed ongoing support and as much free monitoring/tooling as can possibly be provided. I also really like the suggestion that this should be managed by a “council” of senior engineers with one member of the council rotated out every quarter to keep things from getting stale and cabal-like.

# 2nd December 2018, 7:40 pm / collaboration, software-engineering, charity-majors

In too many organizations, deploy code is a technical backwater, an accumulation of crufty scripts and glue code, forked gems and interns’ earnest attempts to hack up Capistrano.  It usually gives off a strong whiff of “sloppily evolved from many 2 am patches with no code review”.

This is insane.  Deploy software is the most important software you have.  Treat it that way: recruit an owner, allocate real time for development and testing, bake in metrics and track them over time.

Charity Majors

# 27th August 2018, 9 pm / deployment, charity-majors