5 posts tagged “callbacks”
Step for Node.js. A further iteration on the attempts to make callback-based programming in Node.js easier to manage, this time making clever use of the ’this’ keyword to represent the next callback in the chain.
kriszyp’s node-promise. Another elegant approach to managing asynchronous flows in Node, including running things both in parallel and serial.
How To Node. New blog about Node.js, with a superb series of tutorials aimed at both experienced and new JavaScript developers. The stuff on managing callbacks (including running them in both series and parallel) is pretty eye-opening.
Twisted inlineCallbacks and deferredGenerator. inlineCallbacks are a brilliant (but seemingly under-promoted) feature of Twisted which use the ability to return a value from a yield statement to make asynchronous callbacks look much more like regular sequential programming.
Cabochon event server. Written in Python (on top of SQLObject and Paste), uses JSON for messages, allows event consumers to subscribe with a callback URL.