Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for blogger

5 posts tagged “blogger”


You don’t need to be the world’s leading expert to write about a particular topic. Experts are often busy and struggle to explain concepts in an accessible way. You should be honest with yourself and with your readers about what you know and don’t know — but otherwise, it’s OK to write about what excites you, and to do it as you learn.

Michal Zalewski

# 4th June 2024, 9:13 pm / writing, blogger


New feature: Blogger as OpenID provider (via) You can now enable your Blogger blog as an OpenID.

# 18th January 2008, 1:38 pm / blogger, openid, google


OpenID and Google’s Blogger. Blogger gets it wrong by displaying a nickname derived from the OpenID URL (in Malcolm’s case, “blog”) instead of the user entered nickname.

# 30th December 2007, 10:35 am / openid, malcolm-tredinnick, google, blogger, usability

Blogger: OpenID commenting (via) I may be wrong, but I think this is the first Google property to support OpenID in any way.

# 30th November 2007, 7:10 pm / openid, brad-fitzpatrick, google, blogger

Offline Gmail and Blogger Using the Dojo Offline Toolkit. These are just mockups at the moment, but they’re a useful illustration of how offline browsing modes for Web applications could work.

# 10th January 2007, 12:40 pm / sitepen, dojo, offline, javascript, gmail, blogger