Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged go in 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × go × Sorted by date

How works (via) is Aidan Steele’s web tool for browsing the contents of Docker images hosted on Docker Hub. The architecture is really interesting: it’s a set of AWS Lambda functions, written in Go, that fetch metadata about the images using Step Functions and then cache it in DynamoDB and S3. It uses S3 Select to serve directory listings from newline-delimited JSON in S3 without retrieving the whole file. # 31st December 2023, 4:32 am

The WebAssembly Go Playground (via) Jeff Lindsay has a full Go 1.21.1 compiler running entirely in the browser. # 19th September 2023, 7:53 pm

Real Multithreading is Coming to Python—Learn How You Can Use It Now (via) Martin Heinz provides a detailed tutorial on trying out the new Per-Interpreter GIL feature that’s landing in Python 3.12, which allows Python code to run concurrently in multiple threads by spawning separate sub-interpreters, each with their own dedicated GIL.

It’s not an easy feature to play with yet! First you need to compile Python yourself, and then use APIs that are generally only available to C code (but should hopefully become available to Python code itself in Python 3.13).

Martin’s workaround for this is ingenious: it turns out the Python package provides utility functions to help write tests against interpreters, and Martin shows how to abuse this module to launch, run and cleanup interpreters using regular Python code.

He also demonstrates, which can be used to create channels with receiver and sender ends, somewhat similar to Go. # 15th May 2023, 7:42 pm

Trainbot (via) “Trainbot watches a piece of train track, detects passing trains, and stitches together images of them”—check out the site itself too, which shows beautifully stitched panoramas of trains that have recently passed near Jo M’s apartment. Found via the best Hacker News thread I’ve seen in years, “Ask HN: Most interesting tech you built for just yourself?”. # 28th April 2023, 2:24 pm

I’m Now a Full-Time Professional Open Source Maintainer. Filippo Valsorda, previously a member of the Go team at Google, is now independent and making a full-time living as a maintainer of various open source projects relating to Go. He’s managing to pull in an amount “equivalent to my Google total compensation package”, which is a huge achievement: the greatest cost involved in independent open source is usually the opportunity cost of turning down a big tech salary. He’s doing this through a high touch retainer model, where six client companies pay him to keep working on his projects and also provide them with varying amounts of expert consulting. # 3rd February 2023, 1:12 am