Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged black in 2022

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Compiling Black with mypyc (via) Richard Si is a Black contributor who recently obtained a 2x performance boost by compiling Black using the mypyc tool from the mypy project, which uses Python type annotations to generate a compiled C version of the Python logic. He wrote up this fantastic three-part series describing in detail how he achieved this, including plenty of tips on Python profiling and clever optimization tricks. # 31st May 2022, 11:24 pm

Black 22.1.0 (via) Black, the uncompromising code formatter for Python, has had its first stable non-beta release after almost four years of releases. I adopted Black a few years ago for all of my projects and I wouldn’t release Python code without it now—the productivity boost I get from not spending even a second thinking about code formatting and indentation is huge.

I know Django has been holding off on adopting it until a stable release was announced, so hopefully that will happen soon. # 30th January 2022, 1:23 am

How I build a feature

I’m maintaining a lot of different projects at the moment. I thought it would be useful to describe the process I use for adding a new feature to one of them, using the new sqlite-utils create-database command as an example.

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