Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries in Aug, 2013

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Beginner JavaScript: more code or quality code?

Write more code. The more code you have written, the better you’ll be able to understand why certain techniques for creating higher quality code are worthwhile later on.

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How should I evaluate a potential technical co-founder? What qualities matter most to the business, to investors, to future employees?

Build a small weekend project with them. If they can’t build and (more importantly) ship something simple in a couple of days, with you collaborating with them effectively on what it is, how it should work and so on, they aren’t a good fit.

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What’s the best way to expand your professional network?

Speak at events, and talk to people afterwards.

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What are the best use cases for Quip?

If you just want a word processor with good formatting options, Quip probably isn’t (yet) the right tool for you. Quip excels at collaborative document editing—if you need to write a blog post for your company’s blog with someone else, or put together a project plan, or collaborate on a report—all examples where effective collaboration on content is more important than formatting.

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What are the cheapest ways for a single man to eat in London without cooking?

24 hour fried chicken joints are a relatively cheap source of calories if you want hot food and don’t want to cook.

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Why aren’t there any popular web frameworks in C/C++ even though they are more performance intensive languages?

Because it’s very hard writing secure code in them due to the way they handle memory management, and web applications have an enormous number of potential paths for malicious input. It’s much easier to write secure web application code in a higher level language (which isn’t to say it’s easy at all even then).

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Does Google Ventures invest in native iOS applications?

Easy way to find out: take a look at the list of companies they’ve already funded: Google Ventures—Companies

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What is the difference between Windows and Linux for web hosting, in other words, what are the pros and cons of each, each’s limitations, performance development environment and deployment between Windows and Linux?

Any and every operation you perform on a Linux server can be trivially automated by copying the commands you ran in to a text file. I haven’t managed a Windows server in years and I hear PowerShell is pretty great these days but an OS based around a GUI is always going to be harder to automate than one based around a command line.

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How can I become a world-class coder in under three years?

Write code. Lots of code. Code that does stuff.

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What are the most exciting sporting events in the world?

That’s easy... The Mongolian Golden Eagle Hunting Festival, held every October.

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Is it a good idea to wear your startup shirt in a tech conference?

If you are there to talk to people about your startup then sure, why not? Even better if your shirt says “ask me about X”—it’s cheesy but it works.

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What are the best Craigslist advertisements of all time?

Hey Crackhead remains my all-time favourite craigslist posting. It’s too good to quote one extract—you just have to read the whole thing.

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How can Quora be made 10x better? What features should they improve or introduce? What can Quorans contribute to improve Quora for all?

Stop hiding the content I provide behind a “log in to view this” wall. I no longer feel comfortable linking to my posts on Quora from elsewhere, which makes me strongly consider not writing things here any more.

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What honorarium is befitting for a guest speaker apart from money?

Here are a few ways you can treat your speakers really well.

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