Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged projects in May, 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × Month: May × projects × Sorted by date

AI counter app from my PyCon US keynote. In my keynote at PyCon US this morning I ran a counter at the top of my screen that automatically incremented every time I said the words "AI" or "artificial intelligence", using vosk, pyaudio and Tkinter. I wrote it in a few minutes with the help of GPT-4o - here's the code I ran as a GitHub repository.

I'll publish full detailed notes from my talk once the video is available on YouTube. # 18th May 2024, 3:49 pm

llm-gemini 0.1a4. A new release of my llm-gemini plugin adding support for the Gemini 1.5 Flash model that was revealed this morning at Google I/O.

I'm excited about this new model because of its low price. Flash is $0.35 per 1 million tokens for prompts up to 128K token and $0.70 per 1 million tokens for longer prompts - up to a million tokens now and potentially two million at some point in the future. That's 1/10th of the price of Gemini Pro 1.5, cheaper than GPT 3.5 ($0.50/million) and only a little more expensive than Claude 3 Haiku ($0.25/million). # 14th May 2024, 8:32 pm

LLM 0.14, with support for GPT-4o. It's been a while since the last LLM release. This one adds support for OpenAI's new model:

llm -m gpt-4o "fascinate me"

Also a new llm logs -r (or --response) option for getting back just the response from your last prompt, without wrapping it in Markdown that includes the prompt.

Plus nine new plugins since 0.13! # 13th May 2024, 9 pm

Ham radio general exam question pool as JSON. I scraped a pass of my Ham radio general exam this morning. One of the tools I used to help me pass was a Datasette instance with all 429 questions from the official question pool. I've published that raw data as JSON on GitHub, which I converted from the official question pool document using an Observable notebook.

Relevant TIL: How I studied for my Ham radio general exam. # 11th May 2024, 7:16 pm

Weeknotes: more datasette-secrets, plus a mystery video project

I introduced datasette-secrets two weeks ago. The core idea is to provide a way for end-users to store secrets such as API keys in Datasette, allowing other plugins to access them.

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