Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged chatgpt, generativeai in May, 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × Month: May × chatgpt × generativeai × Sorted by date

What does the public in six countries think of generative AI in news? (via) Fascinating survey by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford that asked ~12,000 people across six countries for their opinions on AI usage in journalism.

It’s also being interpreted as evidence that few members of the general public actually use these tools, because the opening survey questions ask about personal usage.

I don’t think the numbers support that narrative, personally. For survey participants in the USA 7% used ChatGPT daily and 11% used it weekly, which is higher than I would expect for those frequencies. For the UK those were 2% daily and 7% weekly.

The 18-24 group were the heaviest users of these tools. Lots of other interesting figures to explore. # 30th May 2024, 7:38 am

Training is not the same as chatting: ChatGPT and other LLMs don’t remember everything you say

I’m beginning to suspect that one of the most common misconceptions about LLMs such as ChatGPT involves how “training” works.

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ChatGPT in “4o” mode is not running the new features yet

Monday’s OpenAI announcement of their new GPT-4o model included some intriguing new features:

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