Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged java in Apr

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We all think of Java as a boring server-side language now, but the initial idea behind Java was that software developers could write applications in Java rather than writing them for Windows, and that those applications would work everywhere, thus defanging Microsoft’s desktop OS monopoly. Microsoft took various steps to prevent that from happening, but they lacked a tool like App Store that would enable them to just ban Java. Apple has that card to play, so they’re playing it.

Rafe Colburn # 10th April 2010, 6:42 pm

Using Scala with Google App Engine. Scala works, but I haven’t seen confirmation on actors yet (which are likely to break due to their dependency on threads). # 11th April 2009, 3:28 pm

Dynamic languages on Google App Engine—an overview. Ola Bini’s notes on exploring the new Java support for App Engine with the aim of getting JVM dynamic languages such as JRuby running. Restrictions include a complete lack of threads (which will make it hard to get Scala up and running), but JRuby trunk now works without modification. # 8th April 2009, 2:08 pm

Heap Dump Analysis. Using jmap to dump the JVM’s memory to disk, then analysing it using the visualvm GUI tool. # 2nd April 2009, 10:34 am

Multi-Inflection-Point Alert. Dammit, Tim, stop giving away our competitive advantages! # 26th April 2008, 6:48 pm

Once you reach a certain level of activity in the system where the garbage collector can no longer keep up (and it will happen), then every line of code in your system is now a potential failure point that can leave the whole program in a bad state. Lisp has this problem. Java has this problem. Erlang does not.

Damien Katz # 14th April 2008, 3:17 pm

Full Java Stack In Ubuntu. JDK6, Glassfish, NetBeans and Java DB are all available in the Multiverse repository for Ubuntu 7.04. # 20th April 2007, 12:37 am

The promise [of J2EE] was that of infinite scalability based on tooling, which assumes that designing scalable systems is a general case problem. I now firmly believe that this is flawed reasoning. Frameworks don’t solve scalability problems, design solves scalability problems.

Ryan Tomayko # 14th April 2007, 2:35 am

Quercus: PHP in Java (via) A “fast, open-source, 100% Java implementation of the PHP language”, built to run on top of Resin. Claims to be compatibly with MediaWiki, Drupal, Wordpress, Gallery2 and DocuWiki. # 12th April 2007, 4:25 pm