Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged http in Apr

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urllib3 v2.0.0 is now generally available. urllib3 is 12 years old now, and is a common low-level dependency for packages like requests and httpx. The biggest new feature in v2 is a higher-level API: resp = urllib3.request(“GET”, “”)—a very welcome addition to the library. # 26th April 2023, 10 pm

Weeknotes: Archiving, custom pages and directory configuration in Datasette, photos-to-sqlite

I mainly made progress on three projects this week: Datasette, photos-to-sqlite and a cleaner way of archiving data to a git repository.

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A HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js. Proxying is definitely a sweet spot for Node.js. Peteris Krummins takes it a step further, adding host blacklists and an IP whitelist as configuration files and using Node’s watchFile method to automatically reload changes to them. # 28th April 2010, 1:24 pm

Introduction to nginx.conf scripting. Slideshow—hit left arrow to navigate through the slides. The nginx community is officially nuts. Starts out with a simple “Hello world” using the echo module, then rapidly descends down the rabbit hole in to array operations, sub-requests, memcached connection pooling and eventually non-blocking Drizzle SQL execution against a sharded cluster—all implemented in the nginx.conf configuration file. # 21st April 2010, 11:40 pm

A rev=“canonical” HTTP Header. Chris Shiflett proposes optionally exposing rev=canonical information in an HTTP header, thus allowing sites to discover shorter URLs using just a HEAD request and removing the need to parse HTML. The pingback specification also uses this shortcut. # 12th April 2009, 12:33 pm

Avoid IE Brokenness When using Vary and Attachments (via) Django middleware that works around a bug in IE where external applications fail to load content that was served with a Vary header. # 9th April 2007, 9:41 am

The RADAR Architecture: RESTful Application, Dumb-Ass Recipient (via) Dave Thomas points out that REST expects smart clients, but browsers are dumb (only really support POST and GET). His suggested fix is to build a pure REST service and then drop in a server-side application proxy that sits between the browser and the REST backend. # 2nd April 2007, 10:42 am