Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 14th October 2019

goodreads-to-sqlite (via) This is so cool! Tobias Kunze built a Python CLI tool to import your Goodreads data into a SQLite database, inspired by github-to-sqlite and my various other Dogsheep tools. It’s the first Dogsheep style tool I’ve seen that wasn’t built by me—and Tobias’ write-up includes some neat examples of queries you can run against your Goodreads data. I’ve now started using Goodreads and I’m importing my books into my own private Dogsheep Datasette instance.

# 4:07 am / dogsheep, books, datasette, sqlite

Weeknotes: PG&E outages, and Open Source works!

My big focus this week was the PG&E outages project. I’m really pleased with how this turned out: the San Francisco Chronicle used data from it for their excellent PG&E outage interactive (mixing in data on wind conditions) and it earned a bunch of interest on Twitter and some discussion on Hacker News.

[... 452 words]

μPlot (via) “An exceptionally fast, tiny time series chart. [...] from a cold start it can create an interactive chart containing 150,000 data points in 40ms. [...] at < 10 KB, it’s likely the smallest and fastest time series plotter that doesn’t make use of WebGL shaders or WASM”

# 11:03 pm / charting, javascript, canvas, graphing

2019 » October
