Simon Willison’s Weblog


Saturday, 28th July 2018

Big tech warns of ’Japan’s millennium bug’ ahead of Akihito’s abdication (via) Emperor Akihito’s abdication in April 2019 triggers a new era, and the Japanese calendar counts years from the coronation of the current emperor. The era hasn’t changed since 1989 and a great deal of software is unable to handle a change. To make things more complicated... the name of the new era will be announced in late February, but it needs to be represented in unicode as a single new character... and the next version of Unicode (v12) is due out in early March. There may have to be a Unicode 12.1 released shortly afterwards that includes the new codepoint.

# 2:04 pm / unicode, timezones, japan

Documentation unit tests

Or: Test-driven documentation.

[... 1,521 words]

The death of a TLD. Sony have terminated their .xperia TLD. Ben Cox used Certificate Transparency logs to evaluate the 11 total TLDs that have been abandoned since the gTLD gold rush started—since HTTPS is becoming the default now these logs of issued certificates are a great indicator of which domains (or TLDs) are being actively used. The only deleted TLD with legitimate looking certificates (apparently for a mail server) was .mcdonalds

# 8:07 pm / tls, certificates, dns

2018 » July
