Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 25th November 2013

Are there any good bootcamps, such as Code Fellows, DevBootCamp for mobile (iOS/Android)?

Big Nerd Ranch have been offering iOS and Android for several years now. A friend of mine went in the iOS course a while ago and spoke highly of it—he has since released an app to the App Store.

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What’s involved in making a site like JibJab go from conception to reality?

I’m afraid you don’t get to create a hit website just by having an idea: You have to have the skills and focus to actually make it happen.

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If Sheryl Sandberg cannot  code, how can she manage a leading software company like Facebook?

There is way more to running a technology company than just writing or understanding code. According to Wikipedia, Sheryl “oversees the firm’s business operations including sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy and communications.”—that means that among other things she’s responsible for the parts of Facebook that make the money!

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How log in my e-mail and send sms via php?

If you want to send SMS via PHP I suggest taking a look at—they are pretty inexpensive and ridiculously easy to get started with.

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Has anyone been through Y Combinator more than once?

Yes, this isn’t that rare. I think the Hipmunk crew went through YC, despite having previously gone through as part of reddit. The Erics from had previously participated in YC as part of Convore.

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2013 » November
