Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 19th November 2013

What are ways to avoid getting discouraged while searching for a job as a software developer?

Do you have any programming side-projects? If not, I suggest starting one. You’ll learn a bunch, it will impress interviewers (and help you pull ahead of other candidates) and it will help you build confidence in your own skills.

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How can I find info on startup companies in stealth mode in a particular market segment before they launch?

The whole point of stealth mode is to prevent you from doing this. That said, if you make sure you’re well connected with entrepreneurs and investors in that particular space you’ll increase your chances of hearing about things before they launch.

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Why doesn’t xkcd site have social media share options?

My guess: he probably thinks they are a bit tacky.

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PostgreSQL: How can I store images in a database? What existing products makes it easy for a user to upload photos into a general database?

As a general rule, it’s a bad idea to store images in a database. This is due to the large amount of space they take up, which can affect database read performance and will greatly increases the size of your backups, making them both take longer and cost more to store.

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2013 » November
