Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 27th May 2008

Google AJAX Libraries API (via) Google are hosting copies of jQuery, Prototype, mooTools and Dojo on their CDN, with a promise to permanently host different versions and an optional JavaScript API to dynamically load the most recent version of a library. I wish they’d stop capitalising Ajax though.

# 5:56 pm / ajax, cdn, dojo, google, jquery, libraries, mootools, prototype

If we see good usage, we can work with browser vendors to automatically ship these libraries. Then, if they see the URLs that we use, they could auto load the libraries, even special JIT'd ones, from their local system. Thus, no network hit at all!

Dion Almaer

# 5:58 pm / ajax, browsers, dion-almaer, google, libraries

2008 » May
